Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 818 users.

25   4401   605  *******
24   5040    30  ********
23   5385   276  ********
22   5050  1377  *********
21   6276   327  *********
20   6923   278  **********
19   6371  1084  **********
18   7294    46  **********
17   6648   138  **********
16   7624   215  ***********
15   7608    52  ***********
14   7576   287  ***********
13   7732   321  ***********
12   9190   119  *************
11   6462   365  *********
10  10426   163  **************
 9  11073  1842  *****************
 8  13677   225  ******************
 7  14293  1498  ********************
 6  17695   662  ***********************
 5  16894   722  **********************
 4  18116   981  *************************
 3  21319  2459  *******************************
 2  22687  2802  ********************************
 1  25505  7184  *****************************************