Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 1612 users.

25   6965   1193  ******
24   7750     89  ******
23   7617   1109  ******
22   8517    161  *******
21   8134     97  *******
20   9596    652  *******
19  10627    130  ********
18   9988   1801  *********
17  11701    666  *********
16  12149   1048  *********
15  13104    334  **********
14  11747    785  *********
13  13675   1196  **********
12  15375    600  ***********
11  15593    559  ***********
10  15755   1620  ************
 9  18746    488  *************
 8  21315    577  ***************
 7  19569   5505  *****************
 6  26406   1176  ******************
 5  29927   1641  *********************
 4  32290   3554  ************************
 3  27910   9337  ************************
 2  45546   7612  **********************************
 1  54092  10384  *****************************************