Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 3002 users.

25    8179   2922  ****
24    9373    125  *****
23   10800     50  *****
22    8966    230  ****
21   11574    231  *****
20   12247    734  ******
19   11067   3406  ******
18   14870    179  ******
17   15456    266  *******
16   16446    507  *******
15   16093    206  *******
14   18317   1095  ********
13   18129    216  ********
12   18896   2745  ********
11   21100    221  *********
10   23960    793  *********
 9   22791    393  *********
 8   25494   1378  **********
 7   27619    931  ***********
 6   39352   1490  ***************
 5   44109   7358  ******************
 4   50878   1553  ******************
 3   58950   4481  **********************
 2   70906   6780  ***************************
 1  100870  19196  *****************************************