Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 2743 users.

25   7103   2612  ****
24   8165    112  ****
23   9477     48  *****
22   7813    205  ****
21  10190    211  *****
20  10784    672  *****
19   9675   2957  ******
18  13116    163  ******
17  13663    247  ******
16  14562    479  *******
15  14226    182  *******
14  16272   1026  *******
13  16113    196  *******
12  16787   2498  ********
11  18789    208  ********
10  21384    727  *********
 9  20235    377  *********
 8  22702   1275  **********
 7  24604    836  **********
 6  35186   1419  **************
 5  39485   6759  ******************
 4  45628   1510  ******************
 3  52893   4203  **********************
 2  63638   6291  ***************************
 1  91468  18250  *****************************************