Advent of Code


--- Day 22: Grid Computing ---

You gain access to a massive storage cluster arranged in a grid; each storage node is only connected to the four nodes directly adjacent to it (three if the node is on an edge, two if it's in a corner).

You can directly access data only on node /dev/grid/node-x0-y0, but you can perform some limited actions on the other nodes:

Nodes are named by their position: the node named node-x10-y10 is adjacent to nodes node-x9-y10, node-x11-y10, node-x10-y9, and node-x10-y11.

Before you begin, you need to understand the arrangement of data on these nodes. Even though you can only move data between directly connected nodes, you're going to need to rearrange a lot of the data to get access to the data you need. Therefore, you need to work out how you might be able to shift data around.

To do this, you'd like to count the number of viable pairs of nodes. A viable pair is any two nodes (A,B), regardless of whether they are directly connected, such that:

How many viable pairs of nodes are there?

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