Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 873 users.
25 4768 650 ******* 24 5449 34 ******** 23 5795 305 ******** 22 5464 1434 ********* 21 6742 346 ********* 20 7414 282 ********** 19 6848 1150 ********** 18 7795 49 ********** 17 7132 145 ********** 16 8153 225 *********** 15 8139 54 *********** 14 8098 307 *********** 13 8294 335 *********** 12 9812 126 ************* 11 6950 387 ********* 10 11110 169 ************** 9 11834 1920 ***************** 8 14564 239 ****************** 7 15241 1558 ******************** 6 18863 772 *********************** 5 17923 752 ********************** 4 19296 1070 ************************* 3 22799 2669 ******************************* 2 24236 3104 ******************************** 1 27225 7683 *****************************************