Advent of Code

Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 888 users.

25   4977   680  *******
24   5694    33  ********
23   6032   318  ********
22   5690  1472  *********
21   7003   358  *********
20   7703   285  **********
19   7128  1160  ***********
18   8084    51  ***********
17   7423   149  **********
16   8451   233  ***********
15   8445    55  ***********
14   8396   310  ***********
13   8597   336  ***********
12  10135   129  *************
11   7242   391  **********
10  11481   172  **************
 9  12213  1950  *****************
 8  14974   241  ******************
 7  15668  1572  ********************
 6  19324   775  ***********************
 5  18368   764  **********************
 4  19772  1075  *************************
 3  23293  2696  *******************************
 2  24752  3114  ********************************
 1  27801  7714  *****************************************