Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 894 users.

25   5063   690  *******
24   5802    32  ********
23   6157   322  ********
22   5818  1486  *********
21   7130   358  *********
20   7826   285  **********
19   7246  1168  ***********
18   8212    51  ***********
17   7559   149  **********
16   8590   234  ***********
15   8569    55  ***********
14   8525   311  ***********
13   8723   338  ***********
12  10269   133  *************
11   7348   394  **********
10  11636   172  ***************
 9  12362  1946  *****************
 8  15116   240  ******************
 7  15811  1578  ********************
 6  19503   775  ***********************
 5  18528   764  **********************
 4  19934  1075  *************************
 3  23467  2700  *******************************
 2  24951  3117  ********************************
 1  28015  7728  *****************************************