Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 839 users.

25   4578   614  *******
24   5226    32  ********
23   5576   289  ********
22   5245  1399  *********
21   6488   337  *********
20   7144   281  **********
19   6566  1112  **********
18   7520    44  **********
17   6867   138  **********
16   7866   220  ***********
15   7843    54  ***********
14   7813   295  ***********
13   7979   332  ***********
12   9454   121  *************
11   6680   379  *********
10  10734   168  **************
 9  11415  1879  *****************
 8  14074   231  ******************
 7  14714  1521  ********************
 6  18177   675  ***********************
 5  17334   740  **********************
 4  18612  1027  *************************
 3  21886  2538  *******************************
 2  23294  2877  ********************************
 1  26182  7359  *****************************************