Advent of Code

Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 7450 users.

25   13373   7539  ****
24   16631    258  ****
23   18753    260  ****
22   15574   5137  ****
21   23270   3082  *****
20   22375   1016  *****
19   17753    947  ****
18   25681   4949  *****
17   21755   6271  ****
16   23552   5688  *****
15   39986   5805  *******
14   49418    993  ********
13   51875   1237  ********
12   59670   1078  **********
11   69254   9345  ************
10   85598   5582  *************
 9   82927  11523  **************
 8  107885   7711  *****************
 7  113906   2630  *****************
 6  156887   1629  ***********************
 5  158341   3150  ***********************
 4  185565   3786  **************************
 3  201266  11526  ******************************
 2  234186  12561  **********************************
 1  282645  15326  *****************************************