Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 8066 users.

25   11626   3149  ***
24   12993   5169  ***
23   15738   3063  ***
22   17000   1031  ****
21   15421  10575  ****
20   19553   4578  ****
19   23911   7439  ****
18   26240   5065  *****
17   25425   1173  *****
16   37060   1099  ******
15   42723   4496  *******
14   38151   7819  ******
13   39896   5471  ******
12   32601  14907  *******
11   59764   2551  *********
10   50342  17907  **********
 9   79722   1395  ***********
 8   77068  15481  ************
 7   85196   7771  ************
 6  107428   2131  ***************
 5   83368  32638  ****************
 4  135644  18760  ********************
 3  135967  21325  ********************
 2  205907  10245  ****************************
 1  242237  80369  *****************************************