Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 8474 users.

25   12130   3326  ***
24   13569   5381  ***
23   16310   3141  ***
22   17547   1080  ****
21   15951  10826  ****
20   20169   4676  ****
19   24580   7610  ****
18   26937   5145  *****
17   26169   1223  *****
16   37968   1143  ******
15   43696   4679  *******
14   39051   8097  ******
13   40806   5643  ******
12   33518  15257  ******
11   61147   2648  *********
10   51563  18412  **********
 9   81596   1492  ***********
 8   78879  16011  ************
 7   87137   8097  ************
 6  110074   2245  **************
 5   85486  33614  ***************
 4  139424  19605  ********************
 3  140256  22420  ********************
 2  213527  11042  ****************************
 1  252319  86618  *****************************************