Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 8480 users.
25 12170 3341 *** 24 13614 5381 *** 23 16354 3141 *** 22 17588 1081 **** 21 15990 10855 **** 20 20216 4676 **** 19 24628 7617 **** 18 26993 5150 ***** 17 26242 1225 ***** 16 38021 1145 ****** 15 43744 4689 ******* 14 39101 8096 ****** 13 40848 5642 ****** 12 33572 15249 ****** 11 61194 2651 ********* 10 51606 18421 ********** 9 81643 1495 *********** 8 78925 16033 ************ 7 87195 8107 ************ 6 110142 2248 ************** 5 85548 33635 *************** 4 139524 19613 ******************** 3 140360 22444 ******************** 2 213684 11045 **************************** 1 252477 86685 *****************************************