Advent of Code

   int y=2023;

Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 8252 users.

25   11853   3191  ***
24   13250   5257  ***
23   15996   3104  ***
22   17269   1056  ****
21   15676  10708  ****
20   19869   4631  ****
19   24259   7515  ****
18   26599   5111  *****
17   25796   1202  *****
16   37535   1120  ******
15   43224   4597  *******
14   38613   7961  ******
13   40355   5572  ******
12   33061  15095  *******
11   60491   2602  *********
10   50974  18180  **********
 9   80711   1448  ***********
 8   77989  15755  ************
 7   86204   7956  ************
 6  108786   2197  ***************
 5   84444  33155  ****************
 4  137551  19194  ********************
 3  138066  21877  ********************
 2  209626  10645  ****************************
 1  246813  83252  *****************************************