Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 2477 users.

25   4238   1818  ***
24   4950    116  ***
23   4967   2426  ****
22   5482   1264  ****
21   5614    286  ****
20   6146    170  ****
19   6918   1129  ****
18   8803    522  *****
17   7304     41  ****
16   9931    353  ******
15   7643    342  *****
14  12726    756  *******
13  12524    819  *******
12  14403   1484  *******
11  16952   1183  ********
10  18212     81  *********
 9  17737   1259  *********
 8  20243   1119  **********
 7  20650   4488  ***********
 6  24723   1083  ***********
 5  35357   1418  ****************
 4  34607   1236  ***************
 3  47120   2598  **********************
 2  61149   7300  ****************************
 1  77667  21375  *****************************************