Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 2462 users.

25   4145   1814  ***
24   4855    116  ***
23   4870   2411  ***
22   5382   1255  ****
21   5512    286  ****
20   6038    173  ****
19   6807   1120  ****
18   8686    520  *****
17   7200     41  ****
16   9814    352  *****
15   7540    341  *****
14  12597    749  *******
13  12401    812  *******
12  14257   1480  *******
11  16794   1174  ********
10  18042     81  *********
 9  17580   1246  *********
 8  20063   1113  **********
 7  20483   4450  ***********
 6  24520   1079  ***********
 5  35094   1394  ****************
 4  34360   1224  ***************
 3  46796   2582  **********************
 2  60767   7239  ****************************
 1  77178  21278  *****************************************