Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 2504 users.

25   4424   1895  ***
24   5171    122  ****
23   5182   2465  ****
22   5708   1276  ****
21   5821    288  ****
20   6374    178  ****
19   7133   1159  ****
18   9087    527  *****
17   7547     42  *****
16  10212    375  ******
15   7882    348  *****
14  13035    767  *******
13  12818    831  *******
12  14711   1510  *******
11  17293   1195  ********
10  18576     85  *********
 9  18079   1274  *********
 8  20615   1129  **********
 7  21012   4541  ***********
 6  25126   1095  ************
 5  35898   1442  ****************
 4  35088   1242  ****************
 3  47686   2610  **********************
 2  61837   7368  ****************************
 1  78585  21567  *****************************************