Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 3156 users.

25    4236   1155  ***
24    5617   1484  ***
23    5869    163  ***
22    5078   2843  ***
21    6073    365  ***
20    5977    811  ***
19    7751    773  ****
18    5785    768  ***
17    9030   2014  ****
16    9627   3912  ******
15   11171    392  *****
14   12779    980  ******
13   15083   1891  ******
12   16162   3851  ********
11   18035    214  *******
10   19473   3368  *********
 9   23636    112  *********
 8   30572   1248  ***********
 7   25328   6116  ***********
 6   36240   2092  *************
 5   39368   1851  **************
 4   55867   4789  ********************
 3   53526   7467  ********************
 2   83183   9093  ******************************
 1  110685  15523  *****************************************