Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 3165 users.

25    4277   1161  ***
24    5663   1490  ***
23    5911    164  ***
22    5118   2861  ***
21    6115    370  ***
20    6026    814  ***
19    7802    773  ****
18    5838    771  ***
17    9086   2021  ****
16    9688   3918  ******
15   11233    391  *****
14   12843    981  ******
13   15151   1890  ******
12   16228   3863  ********
11   18107    214  *******
10   19545   3379  *********
 9   23726    113  *********
 8   30682   1254  ***********
 7   25413   6128  ***********
 6   36355   2098  *************
 5   39485   1856  **************
 4   56034   4804  ********************
 3   53692   7481  ********************
 2   83439   9137  ******************************
 1  110997  15567  *****************************************