Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 6415 users.

25   12406   6334  ***
24   14287    137  ****
23   14736   2230  ****
22   17280   6195  ****
21   21565   6657  ******
20   24586    391  *****
19   18418    271  ****
18   27185    189  ******
17   35280   1555  *******
16   35303   1775  *******
15   41530   3771  ********
14   49241   7418  **********
13   55382    981  **********
12   53205   2218  **********
11   63022    434  ***********
10   70071   2034  ************
 9   68741  11118  *************
 8   73309  12936  ***************
 7   94148   2632  ****************
 6   95896   7531  *****************
 5   97325   5050  *****************
 4  110626   6904  ********************
 3  142644  40365  ******************************
 2  201881   8431  **********************************
 1  226554  30009  *****************************************