Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 6402 users.
25 12281 6315 *** 24 14148 137 **** 23 14606 2225 **** 22 17135 6191 **** 21 21415 6664 ****** 20 24444 389 ***** 19 18288 272 **** 18 27044 188 ****** 17 35136 1549 ******* 16 35142 1775 ******* 15 41364 3760 ******** 14 49070 7401 ********** 13 55214 981 ********** 12 53037 2209 ********** 11 62827 418 *********** 10 69892 2029 ************ 9 68558 11107 ************* 8 73128 12932 *************** 7 93941 2619 **************** 6 95672 7518 ***************** 5 97100 5044 ***************** 4 110398 6891 ******************** 3 142376 40318 ****************************** 2 201516 8414 ********************************** 1 226126 29934 *****************************************