Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 6368 users.
25 12173 6290 *** 24 14036 136 **** 23 14492 2209 **** 22 17012 6181 **** 21 21272 6657 ****** 20 24311 387 ***** 19 18166 268 **** 18 26895 188 ****** 17 34956 1538 ******* 16 34965 1764 ******* 15 41142 3740 ******** 14 48824 7384 ********** 13 54958 966 ********** 12 52793 2193 ********** 11 62523 407 *********** 10 69573 2019 ************ 9 68239 11046 ************* 8 72825 12881 *************** 7 93543 2612 **************** 6 95109 7484 ***************** 5 96688 5012 ***************** 4 109923 6853 ******************** 3 141781 40070 ****************************** 2 200632 8362 ********************************** 1 224990 29727 *****************************************