Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 4909 users.

25   14409   4687  ****
24   17766   1060  *****
23   16964   2560  *****
22   19042   3529  *****
21   19740    261  ******
20   16582   5070  ******
19   21290   3778  ******
18   28851   1970  *******
17   29793    853  ********
16   33357   4558  ********
15   38680   2124  *********
14   37662   4387  *********
13   38883  11513  ***********
12   48254   4050  ***********
11   49261   5414  *************
10   54017  12260  ***************
 9   68345   1832  ***************
 8   70282   5998  *****************
 7   69799   7131  *****************
 6   91760   3285  ********************
 5   97846   2468  *********************
 4  102750  14126  ************************
 3  125684   4831  ***************************
 2  151757   5849  *********************************
 1  181371  14958  *****************************************