Advent of Code

   sub y{2020}

Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 4902 users.

25   14380   4679  ****
24   17727   1058  *****
23   16930   2558  *****
22   19005   3526  *****
21   19703    260  ******
20   16550   5066  ******
19   21255   3768  ******
18   28798   1965  *******
17   29738    850  ********
16   33303   4546  ********
15   38614   2120  *********
14   37597   4377  *********
13   38819  11501  ***********
12   48183   4036  ***********
11   49185   5408  *************
10   53933  12247  ***************
 9   68250   1825  ***************
 8   70184   5988  *****************
 7   69701   7122  *****************
 6   91620   3277  ********************
 5   97715   2462  *********************
 4  102607  14100  ************************
 3  125517   4821  ***************************
 2  151547   5838  *********************************
 1  181124  14927  *****************************************