Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 4949 users.
25 14541 4727 **** 24 17917 1069 ***** 23 17106 2568 ***** 22 19201 3548 ***** 21 19897 265 ****** 20 16736 5082 ****** 19 21453 3796 ****** 18 29055 1984 ******* 17 29998 859 ******** 16 33575 4589 ******** 15 38932 2129 ********* 14 37891 4417 ********* 13 39141 11573 *********** 12 48536 4093 *********** 11 49564 5457 ************* 10 54338 12331 ************** 9 68734 1856 *************** 8 70702 6041 ***************** 7 70222 7177 ***************** 6 92322 3314 ******************** 5 98460 2493 ********************* 4 103403 14228 ************************ 3 126485 4875 *************************** 2 152930 5973 ********************************* 1 182814 15144 *****************************************