Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 1653 users.
25 7306 1237 ****** 24 8126 93 ****** 23 7980 1144 ****** 22 8906 165 ******* 21 8501 104 ******* 20 9998 674 ******** 19 11058 131 ******** 18 10395 1847 ********* 17 12161 680 ********* 16 12592 1075 ********* 15 13590 345 ********** 14 12187 799 ********* 13 14175 1225 ********** 12 15932 606 *********** 11 16122 566 *********** 10 16283 1644 *********** 9 19322 491 ************* 8 21990 582 *************** 7 20204 5593 ***************** 6 27155 1190 ****************** 5 30741 1653 ******************** 4 33164 3601 ************************ 3 28675 9475 ************************ 2 46765 7708 ********************************** 1 55565 10530 *****************************************