Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 1650 users.
25 7283 1234 ****** 24 8099 93 ****** 23 7954 1144 ****** 22 8886 166 ******* 21 8481 105 ******* 20 9976 672 ******** 19 11036 132 ******** 18 10375 1846 ********* 17 12135 680 ********* 16 12563 1076 ********* 15 13564 343 ********** 14 12162 798 ********* 13 14143 1228 ********** 12 15902 606 *********** 11 16095 566 *********** 10 16258 1640 *********** 9 19290 490 ************* 8 21952 583 *************** 7 20169 5588 ***************** 6 27113 1187 ****************** 5 30693 1654 ********************* 4 33116 3599 ************************ 3 28626 9474 ************************ 2 46688 7702 ********************************** 1 55472 10522 *****************************************