Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 1668 users.

25   7521   1260  ******
24   8364     98  *******
23   8209   1163  ******
22   9158    169  *******
21   8747    108  *******
20  10251    685  ********
19  11330    134  ********
18  10661   1857  *********
17  12437    687  *********
16  12875   1082  *********
15  13878    378  **********
14  12472    802  *********
13  14470   1237  **********
12  16241    610  ***********
11  16422    568  ***********
10  16591   1650  ***********
 9  19643    492  *************
 8  22335    583  ***************
 7  20538   5610  *****************
 6  27522   1189  ******************
 5  31128   1657  ********************
 4  33576   3605  ************************
 3  29063   9496  ************************
 2  47263   7754  **********************************
 1  56118  10575  *****************************************